i-Spy-A-Saurus Checklist
For clues, there are dinosaur footprints painted on signs with the toes pointing in the general area of where you should look. Stay on the trail at all times.
1. Can you spy, with your little eye, an Albertosaurus Skull? This is the skull of a carnivore from Alberta, Canada.
2. Try to spot a fossil replica of coprolite (KOP-ruh-lyte) (dinosaur poop).
3. Many amphibians lived in dinosaur times, can you find a toad that might have lived amongst the dinosaurs?
4. Do you see a Coelurosauravus (see-LORE-oh-sore-AY-vuss) (flying lizard)?
5. Under Construction: Here you’ll find Compsognathus (CAHMP-soh-NAY-thus). He’s a life-size statue, so he has his own information plaque, but he’s also an eye-spy because he is so tiny it’s hard to see that he must’ve hopped onto a tree!
6. Allosaurus was the main predator of Stegosaurus, do you see one hiding in the woods?
6a. Under Construction: Bonus: Triceratops hiding in the woods.
7. Try to spot the Baby Deinosuchus (prehistoric alligator) lurking.
8. In this Creepy Crawly Cove you will see an:
- Arthropleura (Ar-thro-plur-ah) "huge arthropod"
- Meganeura (Meg-ah-neur-ah) "giant dragonfly"
- 3 cockroaches
- 2 baby scorpions
9. In Fossil Creek, Can you see the following items:
- Three reptiles that lived in dinosaur times
- One dinosaur egg
- One giant trilobite fossil
10. Find a fossil replica of an Allosaurus Claw.
11. Archaoepteryx (ahr-kee-up-tuh-riks) is considered the link between birds and dinosaurs. It could fly, but it still had teeth! Do you see one?
12. Can you help the palaeontologists at this “dig site” find 3 raptor eggs, a raptor skull, and a raptor claw?
13. Under Construction: Bonus: Flying reptiles that lived in dinosaur times were classified as Pterosaurs (NOT dinosaurs). Do you see a small Pteranodon flying thru the trees?
1. Can you spy, with your little eye, an Albertosaurus Skull? This is the skull of a carnivore from Alberta, Canada.
2. Try to spot a fossil replica of coprolite (KOP-ruh-lyte) (dinosaur poop).
3. Many amphibians lived in dinosaur times, can you find a toad that might have lived amongst the dinosaurs?
4. Do you see a Coelurosauravus (see-LORE-oh-sore-AY-vuss) (flying lizard)?
5. Under Construction: Here you’ll find Compsognathus (CAHMP-soh-NAY-thus). He’s a life-size statue, so he has his own information plaque, but he’s also an eye-spy because he is so tiny it’s hard to see that he must’ve hopped onto a tree!
6. Allosaurus was the main predator of Stegosaurus, do you see one hiding in the woods?
6a. Under Construction: Bonus: Triceratops hiding in the woods.
7. Try to spot the Baby Deinosuchus (prehistoric alligator) lurking.
8. In this Creepy Crawly Cove you will see an:
- Arthropleura (Ar-thro-plur-ah) "huge arthropod"
- Meganeura (Meg-ah-neur-ah) "giant dragonfly"
- 3 cockroaches
- 2 baby scorpions
9. In Fossil Creek, Can you see the following items:
- Three reptiles that lived in dinosaur times
- One dinosaur egg
- One giant trilobite fossil
10. Find a fossil replica of an Allosaurus Claw.
11. Archaoepteryx (ahr-kee-up-tuh-riks) is considered the link between birds and dinosaurs. It could fly, but it still had teeth! Do you see one?
12. Can you help the palaeontologists at this “dig site” find 3 raptor eggs, a raptor skull, and a raptor claw?
13. Under Construction: Bonus: Flying reptiles that lived in dinosaur times were classified as Pterosaurs (NOT dinosaurs). Do you see a small Pteranodon flying thru the trees?